If you have not yet given your life to God, He invites you to. Deciding to follow Him is the best decision you could ever make. Below is a sample prayer that you can pray (or adapt).
If you’re not sure that God is real, a good way forward is to ask Him to show you if He is. Choose to listen for the answer with all your heart. If you don’t want to do this, it would be good to find out why. Maybe you don’t want to know if God is real. Or maybe there is another issue to work through.
Sample Prayer: God, I realize that I have sinned and am separated from you as a result. I believe that Jesus died to pay for my sin, and was then raised from the dead by your power. I ask you now to forgive me and rescue me from all my sin. I give my life to you. Please come live in me, and help me to love and follow you with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Follow-up: As a follow-up to this prayer, tell someone that you’ve decided to follow Christ. Find other believers in Christ that you can talk with about Him. Read the Bible and pray. (If you are just starting to read the Bible, here’s a suggestion: Start with the book of John. Then read Psalms. Then read the rest of the New Testament. Then read Proverbs and Isaiah. Then read the rest of the Old Testament.) Learn more about following Christ. Ask God to help you “take your thoughts captive” and get His perspective on everything.